Refund & Cancellation Policy

  • It is clarified that “Fees once paid shall not be refunded after expiry of period of 7 days from the date of the admission, for whatsoever reason it may be”. However during the period of 7 days as mentioned above, the fee may be refunded, only upon written application against proper receipt and on receipt of such application, KLA shall refund the fees amount, after necessary deductions, of 25% of the total fees for the online and offline students within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt.
  • Please make a note that our refund policy does not apply to cases where students have paid their fees in instalment or made part payment of the fees.

Extra Payment Refund Policy:

In case KARAT LAWZ ACADEMY (in short KLA) receives extra payments for any course by any means, after receiving proofs for such claims, KLA will try to refund the extra charges within 30 days. The means may include direct bank transfer using NEFT, in person/authorized representative cheque collection from KLA Offices. For any bank related formalities during payment process KLA has no liability to pay for any damages which resulted solely due to bank processing or negligence from the side of the student. Students are advised to take up such matters directly with the bank and may proceed to consumer forums if not satisfied. KLA will try to help the students with constraints of time, work-force and other factors.

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation of admission is allowed within 7 days of taking admission. The refund amount will be transferred to bank account of the student after deduction of 25% of the total listed course fee for which the admission was taken.