The Code of Civil Procedure

S.No.List of DoctrinesMeaningSection Number
 1Nam Nemo Haeres ViventisNo one is an heir of a living personSection 2
 2Ubi jus ibi remediumWhere there is a right, there is a remedySection 9
 3Principle of exclusion of jurisdictionA litigation having a grievance of a civil nature has, independent of any statute, a right to institute a suit in a civil court unless its cognizance is either expressly or impliedly barred.Section 9
 4Doctrine of Res sub judiceA thing or matter under consideration or pending adjudicationSection 10
 5Doctrine of Res judicataMatter adjudicatedSection 11
 6Rule of ConclusivenessOnce the matter is finally decided by the court no one can reopen it in a subsequent litigationSection 11
 7Interest Republicae ut sit finis litiumIt is for the public good that there be an end to litigationSection 11
 8Nemo debet bis vexari pro turn et eadem causaNo person should be punished twice for the same offenceSection 11
 9Res judicata pro veritate accipiturA judicial decision must be accepted as correctSection 11
 10Boni Judicis Lites Dirimere EstIt is the duty of a good judge to prevent litigation Section 11
 11Doctrine of Constructive Res judicata (Artificial form of Res judicata)Where the parties have had an opportunity of raising a matter that should be taken to be the same thing as if the matter had been actually raised and decidedSection 11(4)
 12Principles of Private International LawJudgment delivered by a foreign court of competent jurisdiction can be enforced by an Indian Court and will operate as res judicata between the parties except in the cases mentioned in Section 13.Section 13 and 14
 13Equity acts in personamthe equity applies to a person rather than a property.Section 16 proviso
 14Doctrine of Crown DebtsThe section deals with the distribution of assets. The proceeds of the execution sale is to be rateably distributed among the decree holders.Section 73(3)
 15Doctrine of CypresIt gives Court the power to interpret the terms of a will, gift, or charitable trust. Section 92
 16Letters Patent AppealIt is an appeal by a petitioner against a decision of a single judge to another bench of the same court.Section 100A
 17Doctrine of RestitutionThe act of restoring a thing to the proper ownerSection 144
 18Actus curiae neminem gravabitThe act of court shall prejudice no oneSections 144, 151
 19Doctrine of MergerThe section deals with the power to amend decree or order where appeal is summarily dismissed.Section 153A
 20Doctrine of ClaimsThe rule deals with splitting of claimsOrder II Rule 2
 21Doctrine of WaiverOnly the material facts are to be stated in the pleading and not the evidenceOrder VI Rule 2
 22Ex parteProceeding by one party in the absence of the other partyOrder IX
 23Boni Judicis Est Judicium Sine Dilation Mandare ExecutioniIt is the duty of a good judge to cause execution to issue on a judgment without delayOder XXI
 24Lex Succurrit IgnorantiThe law succors the ignorantOrder XXXII
 25De novoStarting AfreshOrder XLI Rule 23